Book number three in the Urban Tails Pet Shop Mysteries does not disappoint. Shell MacMillan and her band of cohorts (human and feline) are back…and once again, murder has found its way to her doorstep. 

The local Fox Hollow Players are desperate for a director for their newest production, and luckily, Shell’s actress mother has the contacts to land a prominent director for them. He’s not a cuddly person, in fact is quite demanding and tough on his performers and staff, except when it comes to critters. That endears him to Shell and she allows him to use the shed on her property as a private office. 

And that’s where she discovers his body late one night with clear signs of a suspicious death. She feels compelled to discover who perpetrated this crime on her property, but as she digs into the victim’s past, she discovers plenty of bad behavior and lots of potential killers, right in Fox Hollow. Will Shell discover who the murderer is before she’s the next victim? 

You can always count on a good story when you curl up with a T.C. LoTempio cozy mystery, and this one is no exception. There is a bit of a convoluted explanation around the reveal of the killer, but the tale is a good one, complete with the cast of friends, family, acquaintances and the clowder of cats, including a new rescue who steals both Purrday and Shell’s hearts. 

4 stars