In the fictional Massachusetts town of Monreith, there are plenty of secrets to go around, even among friends.
When popular restaurateur Laurel Thibodeau is murdered, those secrets start to be revealed, one at a time through the POV of several local residents. Is the killer Laurel’s husband Simon, bogged down by gambling debts? Who knows the secrets that abound – the police chief has heard plenty of them, as has his longtime friend, Unitarian minister Georgia Fitzhugh. The town psychiatrist knows his patients’ secrets, plus the information they share about others. And that’s just the beginning.
When six friends gather to celebrate one’s fortieth birthday, shortly after Laurel’s death, of course speculation runs wild about what happened. But what none of the guests guess is that one of them will die before the night is over.
Edwin Hill has crafted a wonderfully twisting whodunit, leading the reader down paths that make for so many possible killers. Each complex character the author has created has a piece to add to the puzzle, challenging the reader to figure out who the real killer is.
5 stars
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