Low Country dog walker Andi Grace Scott is happy to go and check on a worried client’s dog when she gets a anxious call from the out-of-town owner. When she goes to the house and checks, Andi Grace can’t find the dog. She does find the client’s husband dead, strangled in his office. Then she finds a ransom note for the safe return of the dog. Are the crimes related? Andi Grace begins to wonder just what’s going on when the client seems more concerned about her missing dog than her deceased husband.

With a wedding to plan and her dog business Stay and Play to run, Andi Grace didn’t plan to become involved in a murder investigation, but finds herself drawn in. It will take her best efforts to figure out who committed both crimes.

Ms. Layton crafts an interesting plot line with characters you’ll enjoy getting to know. She has a great way with description and anyone who is a dog lover will enjoy this book and this series.

4 stars