Hannah Parker’s older husband is less than loving and when he discovers she’s been lying to him, she decides it’s time to move on. She finds a picture of a former love, Mark, and decides he can give her the life she wants. One problem – Mark is married to Susan, who loves him, and they have a son just heading off to university.

But the gorgeous Hannah is ruthless when she sets her mind on getting what she wants, so will Mark rebuff her advances? Will Susan keep Mark’s interest, even as she struggles with their son moving away? And what will Susan’s response be if Mark succumbs to Hannah’s advances?

The characters are complex and compelling, even the ones you don’t particularly like. And the story twists and turns, keeping your attention on who is doing what and what will happen next.

This book grabbed my attention from the first page through to the final word. Well done, Ms. Keogh! I’ll definitely be watching for more from this author.

5 stars